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Specialists in kids ATV’S / Quads

Call (780) 461-7574 To Order or Come Visit Our Showroom

*While every reasonable effort is made to ensure the accuracy of this data, we are not responsible for any errors or omissions contained on these pages.

Please verify any information in question with a dealership sales representative. 

Minimum Driving Age: The minimum driving age for operating off-highway vehicles on public land or highways is 14 years where permitted.  If you are younger than 14 years, you may operate on public land with supervision by someone 18 years of age or older who is either on the same off-highway vehicle or in close proximity.

(Off-highway Vehicle Regulation, Section 2.) If operating on private property, no age restriction applies.

If you have any questions about our ATV Edmonton stock or are interested in specific details on ANY all terrain vehicle please contact us toll-free 1-888-451-3479

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